Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010

Zodiac Tattoo Designs

Gemini Tattoo Ideas

As a Gemini, you are ruled by your intellect. You crave intellectual stimulation and achieve this by seeking mental challenges. You tend to take an interest in anything that will pose some mental ability and agility. You like to try new challenges and, once you have conquered that challenge, you are likely to move on to something new. Your mind is restless, ever seeking new intellectual hurdles. When you play sport or other pastimes, you are drawn to those that require strategic thinking.

You are a born communicator and you like the cut and thrust of stimulating conversation - particularly the challenge of bouncing ideas off other people and making telling points in a conversation. This makes you good company, as there is never a dull moment when you are around. People tend to ask your advice because of you ability to get to the heart of a matter. The Gemini tattoo you choose will need to be interesting and meaningful.

Gemini Tattoo Designs

The Gemini Zodiac symbol, also called The Twins, looks like the Roman numerals II. This is to represent the twin sons of Zeus and Leda in Greek mythology, called Castor and Pollux. This has influenced tattoo designs, as the twins are often shown as twin figures or twin heads, and can be male or female. The symbol itself is simple and many people choose a simple design, particularly if it is a first tattoo, but there is plenty of scope for embellishment. If the tattoo is to remember someone special then it tends to be more decorative, with flowers in and around the symbol and maybe a date of birth or death. Arms and legs are popular places for a Gemini tattoo because the vertical design tends to flow with the limbs.

Celtic Gemini Tattoo Ideas

The simple nature of the Zodiac symbol can form a good base for other artwork. The intertwining of Celtic knotwork can embellish the image. This adds an air of mystery to the tattoo and can connect you to the artistic and complex nature of the Celtic people and maybe to your own cultural heritage. Because the symbol represents the Twins, it is said a Gemini has two sides to their personality: a lively, fun-loving, compassionate side and a nervous, indecisive side. This fits the Celts as they were dual-natured - on the one hand they were sensitive poets and artists, on the other hand they were fierce warriors and feared enemies.

Tribal Gemini Tattoo Ideas

Here again, the Gemini Zodiac symbol lends itself to a strong simple design or to one with more intricate artwork building on that theme, which tribal designs do so well. The tribal designs can work well as larger images but they need a bigger area such as a thigh or back. The strong lines of the Tribal designs can remind you of your dual personality but, at the same time, be a constant reminder to stay faithful to that positive side of you - the lively, witty, kind, fun-living side. It can also remind you to make decisions and follow them through.

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